The first automated
culture plate reader

It’s time to shift your focus

As the demand for diagnostic testing grows, driven both by a rise in chronic disease and a shortage of qualified technicians, microbiology labs are being asked to do more with fewer resources. Responding to this gap in the market, the APAS Independence was created by Clever Culture Systems.

The APAS Independence overcomes the plate assessment bottleneck and streamlines laboratory workflow by reading and sorting plates into three categories: positive, negative or no significant growth, and those requiring further review. It effectively removes the negatives out of your workflow, so microbiologists can focus on the plates that require their expertise.

Is APAS Independence right for your laboratory?

The Automation Justification Tool* is a widely recognised tool used by businesses to gauge the benefits of automation. It provides a simple comparative overview of the efficiencies automation can provide and your current situation.

The tool uses data such as current staff costs, operational savings resulting from the automation, strategic priorities and the cost of the instrument implementation.

Test if the APAS Independence could have Strategic and Economic advantages for your laboratory, by answering the questions below.

*Tool guided by information from The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening

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Strategic Justification

When evaluating automation in your laboratory, please rate the below considerations in terms of importance to your organisation.

  • 0 = Not important to the organization or applicable to the proposed system.
  • 1 = Beneficial but not compelling to the organization or moderately applicable to the proposed system.
  • 2 = Very important to the organization and highly applicable to the proposed system.
Procedure Enhancement
Audit Trail
More Timely Decisions

Economic Justification


Full-Time Employees



Percentage of Rework
